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-Live Church Service-

***Please Note that all Live Streams will begin approximately 5 minutes before the Scheduled Service***

Bulletin & Hymns

Friedens Reformed Church 

P.O. Box J, Tripp, South Dakota 57376

Church: 605-935-6758 Pastor Andy: 605-505-1010

Affiliated with: The Evangelical Association of Reformed & Congregational Christian Churches

November 8, 2020 Recognition Sunday 



Opening Prayer: 


**Opening Hymn: The Lord’s My Shepherd 50


** Invocation: I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness extends to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.


**Call to Worship: Psalm 136:17-26

M: To Him who struck down great kings,

C: For His mercy endures forever;

M: And slew famous kings,

C: For His mercy endures forever—

M: Sihon king of the Amorites,

C: For His mercy endures forever;

M: And Og king of Bashan,

C: For His mercy endures forever—

M: And gave their land as a heritage,

C: For His mercy endures forever;

M: A heritage to Israel His servant,

C: For His mercy endures forever.

M: Who remembered us in our lowly state,

C: For His mercy endures forever;

M: And rescued us from our enemies,

C: For His mercy endures forever;

M: Who gives food to all flesh,

C: For His mercy endures forever.

M: Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven!

C: For His mercy endures forever.


Reading of the Law: Exodus 20:1-17 


**Prayer of Confession: Almighty and most merciful Father; We have erred, and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare thou them, O God, which confess their faults. Restore thou them that are penitent; According to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake; That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous and sober life. To the Glory of thy holy Name. Amen.


Assurance of Absolution: 


Hymn: Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven 3


Dedication of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes


**New Testament Reading: Revelation 6:12-17

**The Apostles’ Creed

**The Gloria Patri 

Reading of Sermon Text: Nahum 3:1-7

Children’s Sermon

Sermon: Comfort in Chaos 7

Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer

The Offertory Hymn: Jesus Paid it All 210


**Prayer of Dedication

**Closing Hymn: Jesus Shall Reign 231



** Congregation standing


Sermon Outline:

1. God judges the wicked for their sin.

2. God judges the wicked to protect the Church.

3. The World is deceptive.

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